Giagiakou Pharmacies - Our history
"The past, present and future are inextricably linked." They have been following us and characterizing us since 1938.
The past, present and future are inextricably linked. They have been following us and characterizing us.
Our first pharmacy was founded in 1938 in Eleftheroupolis Kavala and since then has been continuously at the service of the health of the people who trust us. In 1958 our pharmacy was moved to Egaleo where it remains to this day.
Three generations of pharmacists have maintained the deep tradition of the pharmacy over the years, each time adding all the new elements that help to modernize its services.
Over the course of 80 years, the elements that remain unchanged are:- Our professional philosophy
- The best possible customer service
- Personalized treatment, because each one of you is unique to us
- Our respect to you.
This philosophy of years, combined with our experience, allows us to be by your side in all your needs.